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Hi, I'm Loren

I'm fascinated by human potential. I have studied the mindset, motivation, habits, and behavior of hundreds of sales professionals. I built a blueprint to perform at your best for long periods. I am trained to help uncover performance blockers. My background is a combination of SaaS Sales, Professional Coaching and Leadership. I have been lucky to work internationally in companies from pre-Seed to Series D and IPO.


I have delivered 850+ hours coaching AEs, Sales Leaders and Start-up Founders. I have managed dozens of AEs and led sales teams delivering over £25m in revenue collectively. Throughout this experience, I have found one common thread. We are what stops our growth.


I turn good sales people into top sales professionals. They achieve next level sales results and learn skills that work in any industry. I equip you with the tools, enhanced mental stamina and expand your thinking. I work with individual clients 1-2-1. I also consult for tech start-ups on revenue strategy and leadership.

My Approach

My coaching is different because it takes a holistic approach. It focuses on developing the person and hitting the sales number. My work blends 12 years of sales expertise with various performance coaching techniques and sales training. I am direct, whilst guiding with empathy and push when I see potential. I work with international clients online and onsite in London.



Meddpicc for Managers certificate


Leadership Course

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